
Top Five Moments From HIMSS 2018

Top Five Moments From HIMSS 2018

"The highlight of HIMSS18 was seeing our Cedars-Sinai Accelerator alumni onstage in the Innovation Live Zone, alongside Darren Dworkin, CIO of Cedars-Sinai, and Dr.  Rick Riggs, CMIO of Cedars-Sinai. Darren and Rick spoke with Deep6 AI, Invio Inc., and Cancer Aid, all alumni of our program, about how to successfully navigate the healthcare ecosystem. The session was honest, inspiring, and completely full."

WSJ Highlight: Hospitals Fund Potential Game-Changers in Health Tech

WSJ Highlight: Hospitals Fund Potential Game-Changers in Health Tech

While hospitals share inventors’ dreams of striking gold, they have kept their expectations in check. “We certainly wouldn’t mind if we stumbled on the next Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, ” Mr. Dworkin says. “But there is a lot in between—companies that will make incremental improvements.”

FoxLA segment: Cedars-Sinai accelerator alum discuss their innovations

FoxLA segment: Cedars-Sinai accelerator alum discuss their innovations

"Innovation is the hallmark of modern medicine. New strategies, new techniques, and new developments...all in the cause of better health." Class 3 company founders Ben Casavant and Sumeet Bhatia join accelerator director Omkar Kulkarni on Fox LA to discuss their innovations and accelerator experience with Fox LA.